Spread the love!

Parents. Guardians. Friends. Loved ones.

You can spread the love by making sure the kids in your life are up to date on their wellness visits and vaccinated for common childhood diseases. Kids look to you to make them ready for school and ready for life.

Spread the love by taking the steps to make sure your kids are up to date on their routine vaccinations.

Talking About Vaccinations

Check out our latest blog that provides information and resources on how to talk about vaccinations with your students and their families.


Let’s help teach kids the lifelong lesson that their health matters and the importance of staying up-to-date on their wellness visits.


Find out how!

You may have questions about how your kids can catch up on their vaccinations. The good news is that it’s not too late to vaccinate. Well-child visits and recommended vaccinations can be scheduled fairly easily. Contact your family doctor or child’s school today and schedule a visit.


Find out where!

Free checkups and vaccines are available for your child to simplify your life. The Vaccines for Children program provides vaccines for eligible children at no cost. And most childhood vaccines are covered by insurance or free of charge to kids who otherwise may not be able to afford them.

Spread the word!

One your kids are ready for school, sports, activities with their friends and more, help spread the word to other friends and families. When you do, you are helping to keep your child and family healthy too.

Check out our toolkit for easy ways to spread the word.


Spread the love. Find out where. Find out how. Spread the word.

Check out these videos for more information about how to protect your children against deadly diseases and keep them safe as they go back to school and their activities this fall.


Learning First Alliance (LFA) está desplegando una campaña para concientizar a los padres del poder que tienen de proteger a sus hijos de las enfermedades de la infancia, como las paperas, el sarampión, la rubeola y la tos ferina, entre otras.